Fearless Love
Fearless Love
Track Listing:
Not Be Moved
All At Once
Call the Doctor
Fearless Love
I Prayed For You
Breathe On Us (Full Instrumental Version)
I Must Tell Jesus
Hello Friends,
Here’s a new CD version of my All At Once album that was released in 2016 retitles as Fearless Love.
It’s more streamlined, being a collection of 10 of the original 14 songs.
However, track 9, titled Breathe On Us, a composition I helped writer Katie Peltier finish, is a full length instrumental
version of what was the ending of the same song on the original release.
In hindsight, I feel this is the better of the two releases as it more Gospel focused.
I feel the sequence is more fitting as well.
I hope you like this “streamlined” version as I do.
The original All At Once Cd is nearly gone but we have this CD with a fresh new look and sequence all ready for you,
should you wish to obtain a copy. The quality of sound is still top notch, thanks to the many who assisted me in the recording process.
Regarding the 4 songs removed, they will be issued again in the future alongside tunes that they will blend with nicely.
Thanks to all of you for your continued support.
My thanks also to the folks at Fan Clubhouse making these CDs available to you all.
Phil Keaggy
Jan 22, 2020